Back in 2013 my parents took my friend Katie and myself to the Bahamas for a brief reprieve from our harsh winter weather. This was my first time ever going and I was super excited, I knew we were staying at Atlantis, which is not only a mermaid's paradise but houses Mermaid Hannah (Hannah Mermaid) who is one of my heroes! I was super excited that I would have the opportunity to meet her, sadly she herself was away on a vacation and was no where to be found. Oh whale, maybe next time merl!
Anyways, they have a beach area which is where we had decided to spend one of our days. It was hot and beautiful and the waters were a crystal aquamarine, it was breathtaking. Me, being an avid shell hunter, dragged Katie up and over the point to go collect what we could. I was so excited because spiral shells could be found in abundance, I was used to collecting scallop and clam. So, I found this beautiful shell and turned it around in my hand to admire it when this little hermit crab sucked itself back inside and blinks at me. Startled, I screamed and dropped the shell. Having realized what I had just done I quickly picked it back up and held it in the palm of my hand while I profusely apologized to the little cutie. He peaked out at me and wiggled his little feet before slipping back inside.
Now, I can't imagine how crazy I looked to Katie, who had no idea what was going on. I slowly walked past her to the rocks and told her I had a hermit crab friend. She Laughed thinking that I had gotten too much sun until he popped out and startled her. I put him down on the rocks and she and I watched him crawl around on them. It was a surreal experience for me, I had collected hundreds if not thousands of shells and NEVER had I encountered a living being in one. Expect this one time., and honestly I think about him a lot. I wonder where he was going, where he is now, if he's grown and most importantly where he went after I dropped him off.
I know I'll never know, but I'm ok with this secret being kept by the universe.